TV Interview in Sacramento

Wondering how different the perspective between New Zealand and the US regarding COVID19? A former colleague from TV News reached out to me to ask what it's been like living in our southern hemisphere bubble and watching what's happening in the rest of the world. 

Watch it here...

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Resilience Interview with Humphrey Hanley

What does resilience look like?

With so much talk about #resilience during this #COVID19 challenge, I wanted to talk to one of the most resilient people I know.
Humphrey has a condition that essentially means he has no hands and yet...he is a freelance multimedia content creator, has his own YouTube channel where he works with a personal trainer (NoHandsNoExcuses) and even ran for public office!
Watch and find out more of his incredible story...
And here are some shortcuts for you:

Learn about the challenge Humphrey Hanley faces @ 1:51
Learn how he keeps going despite facing challenges @ 2:49
Learn how job loss was a chance to pursue his passion @ 6:16
Learn how he manages to stay positive and motivated @ 7:51
Learn why "resilience is survival" is no exaggeration @ 9:56
Learn how he was uniquely prepared for isolation @ 12:23
Learn why he doesn't hesitate to ask for help @ 13:52
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