Reinvention Interview on "A Fresh Agenda" Podcast

I was lucky enough to connect with a former "rival" news anchor. Well she wasn't my rival, our TV stations competed one against one another We recently reconnected to discuss how we are all re-evaluating how we want our lives to look going forward. 

We had a chat about work/life balance during and after a news career.

Click below to listen!

And here are some shortcuts for you:

4:30: Why I left the news business
6:45: How I started to reinvent
8:50: How I integrated into New Zealand society
10:30: The recurring dream that I had until I moved
14:00: A summary of the POP Process®
15:00: What kind of chocolates Cristina and I are 🙂
16:14: My mission in life...
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February 18, 2019 Episode - Catherine Robertson

Meet Catherine Robertson, author extraordinaire! She not only writes best-selling novels, but also reviews books for New Zealand Listener, and is a regular guest on Radio New Zealand. She talks about giving yourself permission to just dive in and do what you believe you can, as well as handling critiques when you do. 
This podcast episode was aired on February 18, 2019.
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November 26, 2018 Episode - Martin Bosley


From cheffing to fishmongering, Martin Bosley has realigned what he does to reflect not just his talent for cooking, but also his values. After a very public business failure, now his social conscience drives his professional choices. The reward? He's found happiness again.

This podcast episode was aired on November 26, 2018.

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