Be The Pot Roast

My father is particularly good at what I call "sticky storytelling": telling memorable stories to teach important life-lessons. He does this when we're online just talking, but he probably doesn't realise that I often take notes...and later find a way to use them!

A while ago, when I was preparing to present a speech about uncertainty (long before COVID was a thing), I decided to share one of my Dad's sticky-stories.

We’d been talking about ‘going with the flow’ in life, when he mentioned having a dream about a juicy, perfectly browned, succulent pot roast that was so tender, the meat fell off the bone. Only he was the pot roast. And he happened to be floating down a stream in the dream.  When he struggled against the current, and fought where it was trying to take him, he started to fall apart.

When I was looking for stories to weave through my ‘uncertainty’ speech, that pot roast image kept coming back. Maybe...
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New Make Your Life POP eBook!

I'm excited to share my new eBook, to help anyone facing the COVID challenge or any turning point in life, if you're wondering which way now?
If you've reassessed how you're living, and what you're doing and decided (or been forced to) realign or reinvent, this book gives you a step-by-step way to redefine who you are, what you want to do and position yourself for success.
It's designed to help build personal and professional resilience in a short and sweet way (you'll see what I mean when you read it). 
Find out how to get yours free, for limited time, here...
If it's past the free window (from June 2020, it's still affordable, and you can get the book here!)
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