Stay Your Course

Wonder why people keep treating you the same way as they always have, even when it's clear you're trying to change?
When you're actively doing things differently, trying to live a life more aligned with who you really are, one of the biggest obstacles can be how others react.
If you try to better yourself, some will warn you not to expect too much. They mean well. They want to protect you from disappointment.
Or when you start to prioritise time for yourself, others may get resentful and push back. They might even call you selfish. They're just used to you always putting them first.
So, what do you do? 🤔
First, you can choose how to react. Expect that as you change, others won't. They may, as I just mentioned, actively try to stop you from changing. If you expect that reaction, it won't be a surprise when you run into it.
Choose not to be surprised. And then choose not to be steered off course.
Remember this phrase that I...
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New Make Your Life POP eBook!

I'm excited to share my new eBook, to help anyone facing the COVID challenge or any turning point in life, if you're wondering which way now?
If you've reassessed how you're living, and what you're doing and decided (or been forced to) realign or reinvent, this book gives you a step-by-step way to redefine who you are, what you want to do and position yourself for success.
It's designed to help build personal and professional resilience in a short and sweet way (you'll see what I mean when you read it). 
Find out how to get yours free, for limited time, here...
If it's past the free window (from June 2020, it's still affordable, and you can get the book here!)
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