Follow Your Passion & See Where it Leads!

Writing is my passion, that I just follow for fun. And sometimes it leads to getting published: here's an article about "news done differently" that originally featured in The Spinoff. 
What are you passionate about that you like to do as a hobby? Have you ever dared just to follow it, with no expectations? You might be surprised to see where it leads!
Another article was in Huffpost Australia: a light-hearted look at what I learned during a year and a half without my husband, as well as a nudge to other women to examine the little ways in which they deny themselves a voice, and validation.  

Many women, otherwise strong and independent, have not yet learned to prioritize themselves within the context of their closest relationships. Flexibility is one thing, but overriding your own wants and needs costs you.  And I've seen time and time again how that "putting yourself last" bleeds into lives outside of the home - holding...

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