Podcast on The Sam & Jo VA Show

These two women are amazing! They literally have no fear. They've partnered not just on uniting and educating Virtual Assistants, but also have started a new podcast.

They invited me on to talk about tips from finding your authentic voice and how to "stand out". Obviously, these apply to anyone, not just VAs. 

You can listen to the podcast here.


And here are some shortcuts for you:

Who admits to feeling imposter syndrome? @ 1:15
Why New Zealand was such an easy place to move @ 3:50
How Sam learned how important it is just to be yourself @ 4:59
Why you feel vulnerable putting yourself "out there" @ 5:33
How to reframe drawing attention to yourself @ 6:10
How to identify your combination of skills and strengths @ 7:00
Why it's important to ask others what you're best at @ 10:00
What is the POP Process? How can it help you? @ 10:30
What do you put in LinkedIn summaries & bios?...
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